tomorrow is my birthday.
yesterday d bought me chocolates and took me to dinner.
both were delicious.
last year at this time I was going through a chosen upheaval. and finding my focal point since that move has been difficult.
for both me and the person closest to me.
even just in this last move, from a city house to a country one, my emotions battled themselves. i think the lesson is that change, even change that I choose and that is for good, throws me.
but this is just me. i'm not meant to move my focal point too often. i need stable footing or the rest of myself just goes kinda haywire.
in all of this, I've neglected this little blog, and my small audience of readers. I hope to remedy that and find myself back in this space again.
but tomorrow, I'll wake up with a new birthday. and my sweet boyfriend has a garden plot all dug & fenced & irrigated for me. so I get to plant our garden (tomatoes, peppers, cucumber, herbs & flowers). and that will be me, putting my hands in the ground, creating a place for roots, and finding more sure footing.